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Individual Alpha Frequency Predicts the Sensitivity of Time Perception
A Morrow, M Wilson, M Geller-Montague, S Soldano, S Hajidamji, J Samaha BioRxivMetacognitive Introspection Alters the Dynamics of Pre-Decisional Neural Evidence Accumulation
W Dou, S Afrakhteh, J Samaha BioRxivMetacognition in putative magno- and parvo-cellular vision
A Pilipenko, J De La Torre, V Nukala, J Samaha BioRxivSelective Effects of Ongoing Alpha-Band Activity on Magno- and Parvo-Mediated Detection
A Pilipenko, J Samaha BioRxiv2024
Endogenous Attention Affects Decision-related Neural Activity But Not Afferent Visual Responses
A Morrow, A Pilipenko, E Turkovich, S Sankaran, J Samaha Journal of Cognitive NeuroscienceBehavioral and neural measures of confidence using a novel auditory pitch identification task
T Tang, J Samaha, MAK Peters PLOS OneNeural signatures of evidence accumulation encode subjective perceptual confidence independent of performance
W Dou, LJ Martinez-Arango, OG Castaneda, L Arellano, E. McIntyre, C Yballa, J Samaha Psychological ScienceDouble dissociation of spontaneous alpha-band activity and pupil-linked arousal on additive and multiplicative perceptual gain
A Pilipenko, J Samaha Journal of Neuroscience *featured articleAlpha-band Brain Dynamics and Temporal Processing: An Introduction to the Special Focus
J Samaha, V Romei Journal of Cognitive NeuroscienceAlpha-band frequency and temporal windows in perception: A review and living meta-analysis of 27 experiments (and counting)
J Samaha, V Romei Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience2023
Unique effects of sedatives, dissociatives, psychedelics, stimulants, and cannabinoids on episodic memory: A review and reanalysis of acute drug effects on recollection, familiarity, and metamemory.
M Doss, J Samaha, FS Barrett, R Griffiths, H de Wit, D Gallo, J Koen Psychological ReviewBrain signatures indexing variation in internal processing during perceptual decision-making
J Nakuci, J Samaha, D Rahnev iScienceTask feedback suggests a post-perceptual component to serial dependence
JM Fulvio, B Rokers, J Samaha Journal of VisionEvaluating the evidence for the functional inhibition account of alpha-band oscillations during preparatory attention
A Morrow, M Elias, J Samaha Journal of Cognitive NeuroscienceEditorial: Peak frequencies in neural oscillatory activity and their connection to perception and cognition
TJ Baumgarten, A Wutz, J Samaha Frontiers in PsychologyIndividual alpha frequency appears unrelated to the latency of early visual responses
A Morrow*, W Dou*, J Samaha Frontiers in Neuroscience *these authors contributed equallyEffects of satisfying and violating expectations on serial dependence
S Abreo, A Gergen, N Gupta, J Samaha Journal of Vision2022
Context-binding in visual working memory is reflected in bilateral event-related potentials, but not in contralateral delay activity
Y Cai, JM Fulvio, J Samaha, BR Postle eNeuroThe positive evidence bias in perceptual confidence is unlikely post-decisional
J Samaha, R Denison Neuroscience of ConsciousnessSpontaneous alpha-band amplitude predicts subjective visibility but not discrimination accuracy during high-level perception
J Samaha, JJ LaRocque, BR Postle Consciousness & CognitionConsensus goals in the field of visual metacognition
D Rahnev, T Balsdon, L Charles, V de Gardelle, R Denison, K Desender, N Faivre, E Filevich, SM Fleming, J Jehee, H Lau, ALF Lee, SM Locke, P Mamassian, B Odegaard, M Peters, G Reyes, M Rouault, J Sackur, J Samaha, C Sergent, MT Sherman, M Siedlecka, D Soto, A Vlassova, A Zylberberg Perspectives on Psychological ScienceSpectral distribution dynamics across different attentional priority states
M Pietrelli, J Samaha, BR Postle Journal of NeurosciencePre-stimulus alpha-band phase gates early visual cortex responses
W Dou, A Morrow, L Iemi, J Samaha NeuroimagePower spectrum slope confounds estimation of instantaneous oscillatory frequency
J Samaha, MX Cohen Neuroimage2021
Spontaneous neural oscillations influence behavior and sensory representations by suppressing neuronal excitability
L Iemi, L Gwilliams, J Samaha, R Auksztulewicz, YM Cycowicz, JR King, VV Nikulin, T Thesen, W Doyle, O Devinsky, CE Schroeder, L Melloni, S Haegens NeuroImageNo evidence for a single oscillator underlying discrete visual percepts
A Morrow, J Samaha European Journal of Neuroscience2020
What do models of visual perception tell us about visual phenomenology?
R Denison, N Block, J Samaha. in Neuroscience and Philosophy. F De Brigard and W Sinnott-Armstrong. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press,Towards a socially responsible, transparent, and reproducible cognitive neuroscience.
S Ashburn, D Abugaber, J Antony, K Bennion, D Bridwell, C Cardenas-Iniguez, M Doss, L Fernández, I Huijsmans, L Krisst, RC Lapate, E Layher, J Leong, Y Li, F Marquez, F Munoz-Rubke, L Musz, T Patterson, J Powers, D Proklova, K Rapuano, S Robinson, J Ross, J Samaha, M Sazma, A Stewart, A Stickel, A Stolk, V Vilgis, M Zirnstein, In M. Gazzaniga & R. Mangun (Eds.), The Cognitive Neurosciences VI. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.Tracking stimulus representation across a 2-back visual working memory task.
Q Wan, Y Cai, J Samaha, BR Postle. Royal Society Open SciencePerceptual metacognition of human faces is causally supported by function of the lateral prefrontal cortex
RC Lapate, J Samaha, B Rokers, BR Postle, RJ Davidson Communications BiologySpontaneous brain oscillations and perceptual decision-making
J Samaha, L Iemi, S Haegens, NA Busch Trends in Cognitive SciencesThe confidence database
D Rahnev, K Desender, ALF Lee, WT Adler, D Aguilar-Lleyda, B Akdoğan, P Arbuzova, L Atlas, F Balcı, J Bang, I Bègue, DP Birney, T Brady, J Calder-Travis, A Chetverikov, TK Clark, K Davranche, RN Denison, T Dildine, KS Double, YA Duyan, N Faivre, KM Fallow, E Filevich, R Gallagher, V de Gardelle, S Gherman, N Haddara, X Hu, M Jaquiery, J Kantner, M Koculak, M Konishi, C Koß, PD Kvam, SC Kwok, M Lebreton, K Lempert, CM Lo, L Luo, B Maniscalco, A Martin, S Massoni, J Matthews, A Mazancieux, DM Merfeld, D O'Hora, E Palser, B Paulewicz, M Pereira, C Peters, MG Philiastides, G Pfuhl, F Prieto, M Rausch, S Recht, G Reyes, M Rouault, J Sackur, S Sadeghi, J Samaha, T Seow, M Shekhar, M Sherman, M Siedlecka, Z Skóra, C Song, D Soto, S Sun, J van Boxtel, S Wang, CT Weidemann, G Weindel, M Wierzchoń, X Xu, Q Ye, J Yeon, F Zou, A Zylberberg Nature Human Behavior2019
Multiple mechanisms link prestimulus neural oscillations to sensory responses
L Iemi, NA Busch, A Laudini, S Haegens, J Samaha, A Villringer, VV Nikulin eLifeConfidence boosts serial dependence in orientation estimation
J Samaha, M Switzky, BR Postle Journal of Vision2018
Prevailing theories of consciousness are challenged by novel cross-modal associations acquired between subliminal stimuli
RB Scott, J Samaha, R Chrisley, Z Dienes CognitionFrequency modulation of neural oscillations according to visual task demands
A Wutz, D Melcher, J Samaha Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesEffects of meaningfulness on perception: Alpha-band oscillations carry perceptual expectations and influence early visual responses
J Samaha, B Boutonnet, BR Postle, G Lupyan Scientific Reports2017
Correlated individual differences suggest a common mechanism underlying metacognition in visual perception and visual short-term memory
J Samaha, BR Postle Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological SciencesPrestimulus alpha-band power biases visual discrimination confidence, but not accuracy
J Samaha, L Iemi, BR Postle Consciousness and CognitionInhibition of lateral prefrontal cortex produces emotionally biased first impressions: a transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography study
RC Lapate, J Samaha, B Rokers, H Hamzah, BR Postle, RJ Davidson Psychological SciencePreparatory encoding of the fine scale of human spatial attention
B Voytek, J Samaha, CE Rolle, Z Greenberg, N Gill, S Porat, T Kader, S Rahman, R Malzyner, A Gazzaley Journal of Cognitive NeuroscienceDistinct oscillatory frequencies underlie excitability of human occipital and parietal cortex
J Samaha, O Gosseries, BR Postle Journal of Neuroscience2016
Three-dimensional digital template atlas of the macaque brain
C Reveley, A Gruslys, FQ Ye, D Glen, J Samaha, B E. Russ, Z Saad, AK Seth, DA Leopold, KS Saleem Cerebral CortexDecoding and reconstructing the focus of spatial attention from the topography of alpha-band oscillations
J Samaha, TC Sprague, BR Postle Journal of Cognitive NeuroscienceDissociating perceptual confidence from discrimination accuracy reveals no influence of metacognitive awareness on working memory
J Samaha, JJ Barrett, AD Sheldon, JJ LaRocque, BR Postle Frontiers in Psychology2015
The speed of alpha-band oscillations predicts the temporal resolution of visual perception
J Samaha, BR Postle Current BiologyTop-down control of the phase of alpha-band oscillations as a mechanism for temporal prediction
J Samaha, P Bauer, S Cimaroli, BR Postle Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesHow best to study the function of consciousness?
J Samaha Frontiers in psychology